Contribute to the Feed Fund!

Feeding Karl at Sea Oats Farm - Holly Ridge, NC - Hero Image
Karl is our rescue Belgian Draft Horse.  Karl arrived with only one eye and severely emaciated.  He had also never had the freedom to roam in a pasture.  The Vet comes often and we are working towards gaining an additonal 500 lbs in order to be up to an average weight.  Karl is 18 1/2 hands and has to be transported in special horse traliers.  He has the personality of a giant golden retriever!

Phineas T. Piglet has two rescue roommates.  The boys call Lincoln "Panic Pig" because he is so easily startled by the chickens and complains loudly for all to hear.  Ash is a big sweetheart, but has RPF (Resting Pig Face), so he always looks disgruntled and put out.

It takes a lot of crunchies to feed these guys.  If you're able, any contributions to the Feed Fund are greatly appreciated!

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❤️ Thank You! ❤️
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