• Sea Oats Farm Edgar Sheep Sticker
  • Sea Oats Farm Dudah and Cera Geese
  • Sea Oats Farm Dudah and Cera Geese
Sea Oats Farm - Holly Ridge, NC
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What's happening on the farm?

Sea Oats Farm Heart Animal Header

Follow Along with Karl, Phineas, & Friends!

Sea Oats Farm Heart Animal Header
Sea Oats Farm Farm Store Heading Watering Can

Farm Store

Sea Oats Farm Farm Store Header Row Growing Plants
Karl the Draft Horse Feeding Time at Sea Oats Farm Header

Contribute to the Feed Fund!

Karl is our rescue Belgian Draft Horse. Karl is an older fellow, so he's retired now and loving life on our farm!

Along with everyone else... we also have two rescue pigs!

The boys call Lincoln "Anxiety Pig" becasue he is so easily startled by the chickens! He complains pretty loudly about it, too! Ash is a big sweetheart, but has RPF (Resting Pig Face), so he always looks disgruntled and put out!

It takes a lot of crunchies to feed these guys! If you're able, any contributions to the Feed Fund are greatly appreciated!  Thank You!
Thanks for all the feed drops and banana donations! These mamas are in snarf mode with these babies!!
#keepingupwiththekathadins #keepitcomong #healthymama #sillysheepies #lambs
Karl does, in fact, not know he's not a sheep.
He's the best gentle giant. (Until you say "coat.")
#karlthedrafthorse #seniorhorse #rescuefarm #keepingupwiththekathadins #lambiecam
This is why we can't have nice things.

#ducks #africangoose #mudpuddles #mondaymagic #polarplunge #surfcitync
Twin team 2!
Time to name the littles!!
#keepingupwiththekathadins #surfcitync #sillysheepies #sheep #manifestation #femalefarms #gottobenc
Rain, ice, snow, hot, cold, mud, mud, mud...
The animals think it's HILARIOUS, and I have busted my butt more times than I can count🤣
And yes, they ALL have shelters, but they greatly prefer to be nosy and get all up in the buckets.
Welcome to weather in coastal NC. Absolutely bonkers.

#rescuefarm #seniorhorse #surfcitync #sillysheepies #drafthorse #mudpie #whatwasithinking #farmanimalselfie #farmchores #slipandslide #twiceadayeveryday
🥚 💰 🤑 💸
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