Crystal Galesheeepy is born! But then there's a twist!#animals #nature #sheep #babylamb #farming
What not to do, in the world of livestock #farms #farming #animals #rescue #diy
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When you get a surprise donation from your friend Debbie so you get to get SUPER DELUXE hay DELIVERED from @thehayloftofwallace like you are a high end horse!!!
Thank you Debbie!!!
@thehayloftofwallace is the best!!!
#rescuehorse #karlthedrafthorse #haymonster #allthesnacks #surfcitync #thebestkarl #seniorhorse #seaoatsfarm #sharingiscaring
Trying to keep.all these lambs Corraled is hilarious!!
#lambiecam #keepingupwiththekathadins #sillysheepies #surfcitysheep #katahdin #friendsnotfood
One of my favorite songs and favorite bands and their reel with the pup is the ABSOLUTE best, but the sheep did it pretty well, too🤣
#sillysheepies #keepingupwiththekathdins #surfcitysheep #lambiecam #friendsnotfood
Sometimes, I forget how big Karl is until I see him in context!
Hes the bestest boy!
#karlthedrafthorse #rescuehorse #seniorhorse #drafthorse #haymonster #allthesnacks
Thanks for the blankets @herrings_outdoor_sports !! Phineas was refusing to leave his cocoon for breakfast this morning 🤣🤣
#minipig #notsomini #surfcitync #rescuefarm #phineasandfriends #wintervibes #upcycle
Thanks for all the feed drops and banana donations! These mamas are in snarf mode with these babies!!
#keepingupwiththekathadins #keepitcomong #healthymama #sillysheepies #lambs